martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Fascinación por la naturaleza,la energía de lo orgánico el desafío de todo lo que nace y muere,el proceso evolutivo de una semilla ,LA MAGIA,lo que genera vida.

4 comentarios:

  1. Una foto preciosa...
    He preparado mi primre sorteo en mi blog, te apetece participar?? seria un placer...

  2. Pues tienes toda esta semana para pasarte por el blog y dejar un susurro. será un placer, suerte encanto!

  3. Hi, Andrea -
    I used to visit your stall at the Hollywood Farmer's Market when I lived in LA years ago. I really admire your work, and always regret not buying this one beautiful, hand-fashioned silver choke chain necklace of yours that you were showing right before I left California for New York, where I am now. Anyway, it's good to find you here.
    I was looking to find your stuff on line, as I work with a client here who has recently become interested in retailing jewelry at her Spa. Are you looking for outlets to sell in the US? I'd love to see if we could work something out. I would like to keep my email off of the comments, so perhaps you could respond here with your contact information or some way to reach you?
    Thank you, and thanks again for your beautiful work!
    - Madeline M.
